Thursday 17 July 2014

Baby friendly restaurant? Say What?!

I always felt bad for "that" mom running behind a screaming baby in a crowded restaurant, enduring the judgemental looks and ‘chee-chee' head shakes from onlookers. 

Well, I am sure other people think the same of me now.
You will be surprised to learn that most restaurants in Chennai are not at all baby friendly. Not a single restaurant has a baby changing section or a feeding section, few restaurants have baby chairs and and even fewer restaurants have a play area.
I realised there must be hundreds of mums out there who face the same problem as me figuring out which restaurant to go to on a weekend with their li'l one. This blog will give you a list of great restaurants/cafes/hotels to take your lil ones to (and also, not so great, but slightly manageable ones) and make life easier for as many mommies as possible. 
I have taken into account a few metrics to determine the “baby-friendliness” of the place:
- Baby chair
- If above is missing, then comfortable seating
- Friendly/accommodative staff
- Kid friendly munchies
- Space to play around

Hope it helps!

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