Tuesday 12 August 2014

Air Travel?

First time air travel with your baby? The most important part is to be well prepared - make a checklist, organize your luggage well, pack your baby bag, make sure your baby is well rested and of course, pray to god that your baby isn't in one of his/her cranky highs!

There are multiple checklists available online to help you with the "travel baby-bag essentials". However, from my experience with our unpredictable airlines (and airports), it is better to be extra prepared to face the great Indian aviation standards!

So here are the essentials to carry in your Travel Baby Bag:
1. Cotton: Most domestic flights do not carry cotton, so make sure you carry some minutely rolled up cotton balls to plug in your baby's ears during take-off and landing to prevent ear pain.
2. Bottle: Keep a bottle with milk/water/juice handy and during take-off and landing, try feed the bottle to your baby as the sucking will help prevent ear block.
3. Sugar: This is a trick I learnt from an air hostess attending to a distressed baby on board. If your baby refuses the bottle for some reason, take some sugar on your finger tips and make your baby suck on it, as that will also help prevent ear block.
4. Sedation medicine: My doctor prescribed a few drops of a medicine to help my baby sleep through the flight and avoid any sort of discomfort for her. This is to done only if absolutely required and with the approval of your doctor of course.
5. Water and Milk: Carry extra bottles of milk and water. Always be prepared for a delay of at least two hours.
6. Same goes for food if your baby is on solids.
7. Toys: You MUST carry his/her favourite toy in case they get cranky.
8. Medicines: In case of a long journey like 26hrs, do carry fever and cold medicines atleast.
9. Cleaning: Extra diapers, extra wipes, cleaning pad, hand sanitizer.
10. Jacket, beanie and blanket: It could get very cold on the flight, so make sure you are geared up to keep your baby warm.

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