Tuesday 12 August 2014

The first weekend getaway!

If you are anything like me, planning a vacation with the li’l one is a big scary nightmare! Here are a few tips along with my own experiences to help you plan your vacation.

TIP 1: Try to do a trial version first, by doing a short weekend getaway before a really long vacation. Also, try and pick a place/resort that you are familiar with.

Ours was a getaway to Radisson Blu Temple Bay. I chose this resort because I have been there a few times and I wanted to avoid any surprises that came with a new unknown place, when I have a baby in tow.

TIP 2: Pack all baby essentials : Bottles or sippers, medicines, sterilisers (if needed), towels, diapers, bath essentials.

My baby essentials include:
  1. Milk related: Milk powder, mineral water bottle, kettle (just in case)
  2. Food: Gerber food boxes, biscuits, fresh fruits like apples 
  3. Bottle related: Bottles, bottle cleaning liquid and brush, steriliser, water sipper
  4. Bath stuff: Bath wash, cream, powder, towel 
  5. Medicines: Cold, Fever, Stomach and Allergy medicines
  6. Clothes: Comfortable ones, swimwear and a light jacket if it gets cold
  7. Bed: Blanket, small cushion (Mosquito net, if the season demands it)

TIP 3: Carefully select a room that caters to your top needs like quick access to the garden or pool or the exit. 

We chose the newly constructed pool side chalets, which provided easy access to the pool, because our li’l one is a total water baby!

TIP 4: Make the room as baby friendly as possible by asking the staff to remove breakables or sealing off the balcony if it is not safe. Make sure you create space for baby items like food, kettle, medicines, etc. 

Our room was quite spacious, bright and had a lot of storage room, which is very important when you travel with a kid). The first thing I did upon entering the room is to quickly get rid of glass vases and giant stone artefacts. The food counter had enough space to accommodate her steriliser, food and medicines for quick access.

Tip 5: If you want the hotel to prepare food for your kiddo, make sure you speak to them in advance and check the options.

I requested for steamed rice, yellow daal, curd, bread and eggs. You could also try fresh cut fruits, baked goodies or flavoured yogurt from their regular menu. 

Tip 6: Carry a familiar item like your l’il one’s fav toy or pillow to help him/her settle in to the new surroundings.

In my case, it was her favourite ball that did her trick. After a few minutes of cautiously checking out the new place, she found her ball and happily played around and lost all sense of inhibition.

Tip 7: Take a chill pill, relax, explore the resort and just enjoy yourself!

Chances are your kid is super excited to be in a new place and is more keen on exploring the beach rather than causing trouble. So go on, have fun and make sure you load up on a ton of selfies with the li’l star on his/her first vacay!

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