Wednesday 13 August 2014

Best restaurant staff ever!

I am extremely finicky about taking my baby to a restaurant that doesn't have baby chairs. Not that she sits in through dinner, but it is good enough to keep her busy for a good part of the meal.

So with a lot of hesitation and apprehension, I agreed for dinner at Her Name is Ming, at the Clarion Hotel (erstwhile President Hotel). One reason being the baby chair and the other being, well, it is a renovated version of President Hotel, hello! Wasn't President always associated with adjectives like "sidey" or "shadey"?

However, I was in for a big surprise! The restaurant was done up really well. It was elegant and chic with giant huge bird cages adorned with lights ( I am a sucker for any thing bird cage!). And the staff! I have to tell you, they were possibly the most considerate and baby friendly staff I have come across in Chennai!

Food Factor:
- The menu has Malay, Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese dishes.
- Reasonably good Asian fare. Nothing that sent us over the moon, but nothing bad either.
- The dish that stood out for us was the Sichuan Chicken, it is a slightly fancier and spicier version of Chilly chicken.

Baby Factor:
- The staff were super baby friendly!
- They actually took care of my baby and let me enjoy the entire meal. I have never been able to do that! They carried the baby around, entertained her, showed her the live kitchen and pretty much managed with very little help from me.
- I couldn't have cared less about the restaurant not having a basic baby chair or even couch for that matter. The staff were just top notch!
- There aren't too many options in terms of food that you can give the baby except probably fried rice or dimsums. And yes, they do accept a request of no MSG, so its safe for the li'l one.

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